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Building Supplies: How to Find the Best Timber for Your Roof Trusses

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When it comes to roofing construction, the timber you choose for the trusses is as valuable as the roof material. The trusses form the frame that supports the roof; therefore, it determines its stability, durability, and performance. Poor quality wood can compromise the integrity of the roof and cause it to cave. As a result, you may be forced to carry out regular repairs to keep the structure in excellent condition.

That's why you need to put much thought into the timber building supplies if you want a durable roof that will withstand the elements. This article will address the essential factors that you should consider when choosing timber for your roofing trusses.

What's the wind resistance rating?

Wind resistance rating refers to the ability of a material to remain in place when exposed to strong winds. When choosing timber for your roof framing, consider how resistant it is to wind. The trusses hold the roof in place; therefore, if they are not resilient to strong wind, they may shift to one side during a storm. This causes the roof to slant and lose its balance. Such a situation can spell danger for your home as part of the roof can cave and come down with the entire frame. Go for wood with a high wind resistant rating to protect your roof from the effects of strong winds.

Is the wood resistant to fire?

House fires don't have to result from faulty electrical wiring or accidental kitchen fires. They can occur if a nearby bush catches fire or the house gets struck by lightning. That's why construction experts are coming up with fire-resistant materials, including timber, tiling, and insulation, to protect homes from accidental fires. Quality wood should have thick coatings that give them an impressive fire resistance rating. As you purchase wood, avoid those with thin coats which do little to protect your house from a fire. If possible, test the wood's fire resilience before buying just to be sure.

How sustainable is the timber?

Using sustainable building materials is the best way to conserve the environment. Sustainability should be your concern if you don't want to use timber that has been illegally cut from rainforests. Wood that has been obtained unlawfully will not have the place of origin indicated. As you buy, make sure that the supplier has stated the source. The wood should have been grown in sustainable forests. Steer clear of illegal timber as you can get yourself in trouble with the authorities for contributing to deforestation.

Follow these tips to obtain the best roofing timber from your trusses. Contact a qualified contractor so that they can help you find quality timber that is sustainable and resistant to wind and fire.
